I-C-E - Integration-Caritas-Express

The project I-C-E supports people in establishing an independent life after receiving a positive asylum decision and thus follows on from the support provided during the asylum procedure.
The start of an independent life in Austria after receiving a positive asylum decision is a great challenge for most refugees: they have to leave the asylum seekers' quarters and find their own living space. The basic care ends and the own capability of self-preservation has to be managed by qualification and labor market integration measures.
The I-C-E project of the Integration Department therefore supports persons granted asylum and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection in the first steps: in contacts with authorities, in the search for housing, in the arrangement of qualification measures and with detailed information about the Austrian social, health and education system.
Who is supported?
- Recognized Convention refugees and
- beneficiaries of subsidiary protection
- for a support period of around 2 years from the time they are granted asylum.
How is support provided?
- Initial counseling - preparation of an individual integration plan for the client
- Assistance in obtaining social legal entitlements for securing a livelihood
- Assistance in finding a place to live
- Assistance in moving in (office rally for moving in)
- Arrangement of courses (language and qualifications)
- Orientation training (housing & districts; social law; labor market; money matters)
- Integration coaching